Wednesday 24 February 2010

FUTURE TRENDS...New A/W Trends to Play With NOW!

When it's so beautiful as it is on the south coast this midday, it seems silly to not be thinking of discarding coats for cotton. Just last week I was rambling on about dreary winter clothes now I am hoping Spring holds off for a few more weeks! I guess that's what happens after viewing the stellar Autumn/Winter 2010-2011 London shows. My head's still spinning from the stunning designs on display this season. Just look at this Burberry beauty.

There were so many new trends that struck a cord of fancy in my head and I was left with a strong desire to experiment with some of the new looks now.

While I was prepared to have fur envy this season, I was nonetheless enthralled by all the lovely fur on show and I won't apologise for it. I love animals, especially the noble and mysterious fox. Anyone who knows me will tell you I have a special place in my heart for them. However, I believe it isn't morally wrong to farm animals for our clothing any more than it is wrong to farm them for food. Is it not best to use all the animal and honour its life by creating not only sustenance from its flesh but by providing warmth in such beautiful ways from its leather and fur, unmatched by any man-made materials? I do have friends who feel differently and I respect that, however my fox, rabbit, shearling, and mink are desperate to make an appearance. Personally, I prefer vintage fur anyway which is better all ‘round really.
Back in December, ITV aired a special in which an impeccably styled Billie Piper interviewed the real Belle de Jour. In it Billie wore a vintage fur capelet over a simple white cotton dress for a daytime look. I had a Doh! moment, as I have always proudly marched right up front in the vintage fur jazz band, I wanted to kick myself for not coming out with that look a long time ago.
There were more capes on the runway this season and last Sunday, Todd Lynn shocked the senses with his fox shoulder armour. They were gorgeous, though more art than fashion.
But brought down-to-earth, I think a little capelet like Billie's is the perfect warmer for a chilly British Spring afternoon. Resting on the shoulders of a simple feminine frock, it's sweet-as-pie there's no denying it. Capelets are hard to come by but one can easily be improvised if you can get your hands on a vintage coat with a big fur collar. Just remove the collar, sew on a new lining if necessary and attach a clasp or ribbon tie and voila! Instant fur shoulder wrap! There are some old collars out there that are larger than others and bear in mind that a collar that connects low on the chest while attached to the coat will fall quite differently if it connects higher on the neck.
Reinvent a collar as a neck muffler and work it like Matthew Williamson,
Basso & Brooke,
and Amanda Wakeley.

Put fur around a hood like Jason Wu or sew wrist cuffs and get Pringle’s fox mitten look without the annoying mitten bit.

The time is also ripe to get your hands on a fox tail. Yes, I'm serious. Well, I'm going to get mine out anyway. It would look silly if we all had them though, so let's not tell everyone how cool they are. Everything furry is super hot at the moment and will be next year too. I would still love to see muffs make a big comeback! A Copenhagen designer presented this one in 2007.
They’re such a great alternative to gloves and do double duty as a purse with their secret inside pocket. It could be THE accessory to have this autumn. Like every well-dressed little girl in the 70’s, I carried one as part of my winter ensemble. I think it was an Easter present when I was about 6 years old. It was white rabbit fur and I adored it. I'm keeping my eye out for a nice vintage grown-up sized one. Hopefully by next Autumn that'll be sorted.
It's not the only item on my A/W treasure hunt 2010 list however. I must locate the perfect kid leather gauntlet gloves and mid-length shearling coat among other things. Don’t worry, my penchant for half gloves will never die. But aren’t these red gauntlets loverly? Find them at

Didn't you just love Eun Jeong's painted tights and socks yesterday? What about John Rocha's kneeless tights on Saturday? These are definitely two future-trend statements I want to make right now!

It might also just might be time to get out the pins and needles. When Amanda Wakeley’s simple cape dress looks this good, if you’ve got a machine you’d be crazy not to give it a go.

There’s also the fun contrast print scarf/cowl neck/hood, seen here at Basso & Brooke, a sophisticated look that would be easy to incorporate.

Get creative girls! In case you forgot, London Fashion Week has once again proven we live in the most fashionably adventurous culture this planet has ever seen. We’re very fortunate. Come on now, embrace your individuality and exercise your fashion rights Britain!

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